The project was carried out as part of the Nouveaux commanditaires (New Patrons) programme, with support from Fondation de France. The idea behind the initiative is that individual citizens can be involved in the cultural life of the community and commission works from artists. The wheeled object we created, commissioned by the caretakers of the seven buildings that form the Cité Breuer in Bayonne designed by architect Marcel Breuer, are practical and robust.
We wanted to design an elegant item inspired by the world of cycling. Similar to a carrier bike, this maintenance trolley features the same key components: wheels, handlebars and a bell. It is easy to fix and can be used off-road. Maintenance staff can personalise the trolleys by placing a sign with a message on them before making their rounds. And just like that, the trolley becomes a messenger…
The project was produced by an association called pointdefuite, which is involved in the Nouveaux commanditaires programme.
Photos : 1-6 ©Tadzio, 7-12 ©Normal Studio